
After embarking on a redevelopment plan that’s taken us out of the old Newman Center, we’ve successfully settled into our brand new building on Chestnut Street. The new Newman Center is bigger, more modern, and ideal for the large, community building gatherings we hold regularly.

We’ve already hosted many important events in our beautiful new facilities. From our 125th Anniversary celebration to the highly attended visit from Cardinal Zen, Super Bowl parties, retreats, holiday dinners, and public speakers like Emily Wilson, The Culture Project, and more, the new space provides a great environment for members of our community gather together and connect with one another.

Thanks to your generous help, we have completed our first two phases of our redevelopment project!


Timeline: July 2018-December 2018

Renovate the lower level of St. Agatha-St. James.


Timeline: January 2019-August 2019

Renovate the three story building that currently exists on parish property to serve as the new Newman Center.


Timeline: Fall 2020

Create a courtyard in front of building and a park along the property on 38th Street.

We’ve begun construction on our new park! The park will reside beside the rectory, where the old parish parking lot used to be. With the goal of providing a tranquil space for prayer, meditation, community, and beauty, our park is will be an escape from the business of the city. To stay updated on how construction is going, be sure to follow us on our facebook page.

Phase Three: The Park

We’ve begun construction on our new park! The park will reside beside the rectory, where the old parish parking lot used to be. With the goal of providing a tranquil space for prayer, meditation, community, and beauty, our park is will be an escape from the business of the city. To stay updated on how construction is going, be sure to follow us on our facebook page.

The New Newman Center

The 125th Celebration

Special Events