To Lead Is To Serve
The call to lead is the call to conversion through the exercise of service. As Christians, we are all called by the Lord Jesus to follow him as disciples and to share the Good News of salvation with others. In our ministry here at Penn Newman, we look to reach out to students and help them encounter the Lord in their own life, help them to grow in their relationship with God and help them to discover the call to serve others as missionary disciples. There are many ways to serve both within our community as well as outside the Newman Center and Parish.
One of the ways available is to serve on our Penn Undergraduate Leadership Team, whose description is found below.
If you are interested in applying to serve the community through a leadership commitment, please click the link at the bottom of the page.
Click HERE to learn about the different roles on the Leadership Team.
Take a moment to pray. Might God be asking you to serve others through this community?
If you are still unsure, talk with former leaders or staff members about their experience. You can email Jule Coppa (campus minister) at jcoppa@saintsaj.org.
When you apply to be on the Undergraduate Leadership Team, you commit to one year of service and to participating in Christian formation so as to grow in our call to be missionary disciples.
Here are our expectations:
Attendance Expectations:
The Penn Newman Leadership Team is expected to be present at a weekly, one hour meeting held at the Newman Center. Occasional absences due to significant conflicts are permitted, but consistent attendance is required.
Every Newman Leader is expected to nourish their personal faith life by participating regularly in at least one “grow” group or event offered at the Newman Center: Bible Study, Marian groups, Athlete or Latino group, Newman Night, or one-on-one discipleship or mentorship.
Every Newman Leader is expected to be present at at least one “encounter” event each week: either Newman Dinner or an after Mass social. When present at these events, Newman Leaders are encouraged to remember their leadership role and be a welcoming source of encounter to new or fringe people.
Everyone is asked to attend the leadership retreat in January
Spiritual / Intellectual formation: Leadership is a calling and a service, and it is especially important that our Newman Leaders embody the values and beliefs of our Catholic Faith. Keeping in mind that nobody is perfect and that all of us need growth in our spiritual life, it is expected that
Student leaders will earnestly strive to live a coherent Christian life, rooted in prayer and the sacraments, according to the teachings of the Catholic Church. This includes attending Sunday Mass and maintaining a personal prayer life with regular Confession.
Leadership team members do not promote or partake in harmful activities common to college life such as underage drinking and the hook up culture
Leadership team members are conscious of their social media presence and do not use it to promote activities or beliefs that contradict Church teaching
All student leaders will be asked to attend our Parish and Newman Leadership Retreat in January.
Apostolic responsibility: The Leadership Team is a service to the apostolate of the Church. We are one body in the same body of Christ, the Church. The Leadership’s main purpose is to draw students closer to Christ.
Student leaders are encouraged to participate as active members of the Penn Newman Center at St. Agatha-St. James, both nourishing their own Christian life and the lives of others in an apostolic community open to all. This includes but is not limited to attendance at Newman dinners, small groups, Sunday ministry and retreats.
Specifically, student leaders will be asked to:
Create a culture of warm hospitality and invitation within and beyond the Newman Center and St. Agatha-St. James Church.
Help out in our outreach/table opportunities as much as possible.
Help lead events and initiatives that advance the mission of their respective apostolate.
Beyond these commitments, all students are encouraged to have initiative in living their faith.