Send us your Feedback, Comments & Questions
The Newman Center
111 S 38th St, Third Floor, Philadelphia PA 19104
(Accessible via 38th St)
Office: (267) 787-5000
Fax: (215) 386-5899
Email: Patrick Travers, Director ptravers@saintsaj.org
We are a 501(c)(3) organization. Tax ID: 23-1381391
St. Agatha - St. James Church
3728 Chestnut St. Philadelphia, PA 19104
Eucharistic Adoration
Tuesday - Thursday: 9:00-10:00am (chapel)*
Friday: 7:45-8:45am (chapel)*
Thursday: 7-8pm
Sunday Mass
9am, 11:30am, & 5:30pm
*Sep - May only
Daily Mass (chapel)
Monday - Friday: 12:05pm
Tuesday: 7:00pm
Wednesday - Friday: 5:30pm*
Visitors Welcome!
Free parking is available for all Sunday Masses in the Santander Bank parking lot across the street from the Church. Parking passes are also available for Sunday and holiday Masses- they cover a one block radius around the church. For further information or obtaining passes please contact Chris at the Newman Center or by email cgeorge@saintsaj.org.
Public transportation:
(From Center City)
Take trolley lines 11, 13, 34, or 36 and get off on 36th St. Station. Then walk west along Sansom St.
Take bus line 21 and get off on 38th & Walnut St. Then walk north towards Chestnut St.
Take the Subway Blue Line and get off on 34th St. Station. Walk west along Market St. Make it left on 37th St., then right on Chestnut St.